From Game Theory to a Democratic Social Media

Social media is a powerful political tool that must provide safegards for privacy, be secure, and controlled by its users. The following is a brief explanation of human nature, game theory, and why democratic systems are best at governing public matters.

This is an invitation for you to become part of an experiment to democratically administer the social media tools we use.  


The social media platform you control.

Providing the technology and education, everyone needs to stay competitive.


We consider our society normal regardless of what our society may be like. Progress comes when we become aware of our flaws and find ways to correct them.

We will strangely consider killing 70 million people in World War II as part of this normality. Can we honestly say something like this is normal, or simply a mistake and just move on? Unfortunately this is but a small example of the far greater absurdity that makes up the society we all think is great. We don't change because we protect the status quo, regardless of what it may be.   

Dominance Hierarchy  

Both human biological evolution, and cultural evolution are based on sexuality.

I would like you to consider that human history has been modeled on dominance hierarchy sexual animal behavior. Our society has the same behavior patterns as those of the hyenas, lemurs, bonobos, and elephants. We have evolved as a female dominated society where we wage war and scavenge for resources to bring back to the female and our family unit. This behavior is so consistent that western society has until recently been ruled by Royalty, we built the nation of England with Kings and Queens representing heads of an extended family.

Unlike the bonobo which is unwittingly governed by its sexual behavior, we have the ability to think, and possibly escape our beast-like social manners. 

About 300 years ago we began an age of reason, we broke from the autocracy of Monarchs into democratic societies based on equality. The United States was the first of these democratic experiments. We can see today that we still struggle with the concept of individual freedom over a sexual dominance paradigm. Racial prejudice is nothing more than a symptom of sexual dominance.

We have a representative democracy, which means we elect parental figures to make choices for us. It has been impossible for all members of society to participate in governance, so we elect people to govern for us. We have not yet archived a true democracy. 

Modern social media technology can be adapted to produce an organizational framework that would permit a true democracy.

Game Theory  is based on the conditions of individual human interaction. The theory establishes mathematical models of conflict and cooperation between intelligent rational or irrational decision-makers. These models use the variables of single transactions to predict the outcome of human social behavior at large.

These variables are the rules of society, interacting with the choices we make. One of these models predicts the obvious, if a player cheats they will always win, as long as no one notices. A simple fact any 5 year old would know. 

The rules of the game will produce the social outcome, therefore a bad society is created by the choice of rules we apply, and how well we notice, and correct cheaters.  

Organizations are governed by regulating day to day interactions. All governance issues, can be resolved by rational persons, as long as they are able to, observe and participate in the choices made by the organization.  

It would be reasonable to say that good, and evil, is found in these variable’s. Individual human interactions, when added together with others make up good and evil on a grand scale.

If you can conceive of an organization as an open game, with observers that can participate and make choices, all following rules of a game, then you would have an open democratic platform for governing any type of organization. is such an organization. It is an open platform for social-economic activity which should be a true democracy. Theoretically such systems would be the most reasonable form of management for any organization.

I ask you to participate with this experiment and promote what we do. 

Game theory says something we all know instinctively...  if we break the rules we will always win. Indicating that corruption can only be stopped if we are aware of it.

Please contact and become part of this experiment.


“In a democracy irrational commands are still less to be feared for it is almost impossible that the majority of the people especially if it be a large one should agree in an irrational design and more over the basis and aim of a democracy is to avoid the desires as irrational and to bring men as far as possible under the control of reason so that they may live in peace and harmony if this bases be removed the whole fabric falls to ruin.”

Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, Spinoza (1670)