Collaboration, game theory, corruption, and social equality


Game theory teaches that social and economic conditions are governed by individual human interactions, that society and economics can be manipulated by simply regulating day to day interactions.

 Click here to see an interesting online demonstration of Game Theory 

The outcome of human interactions are governed by variables like the rules of society, the choices we make, and the frequency of transactions. Small Interactions make the larger patterns we see in both society and economics. One of these patterns is a banana republic type society, with huge wealth separation.

Wealth can increase for an upper class without noticeable detriment to the lower class. When this happens, social progress is sacrificed, appropriate improvements in public education, health, and transportation services will fail to occur. You may think you are fine, but your society is suffering.

The fact is, you are most likely in the bottom 50% of our society, and the amount of capital you have is almost invisible in the true scale of things.      


  Congressional Budget Office, “Trends in Family Wealth, 1989-2013”   Click here to enlarge


Notice the small dark line at the bottom is half of the American population. Also note that in each of these categories there is a 1% that is far more wealthy than the rest of the group. This data only goes to 2013, and today the disparity is worse.   

The distribution of wealth was more unequal in 2013 than it had been in 1989. In 2013, families in the top 10 percent held more than three-quarters of all family wealth, whereas in 1989, their counterparts had held two-thirds of all family wealth.     Trends in Family Wealth, 1989-2013

According to the Fed, the 1% starts at $6.9m of net worth...  then there is the .01%, the 1% of the 1% according to The Guardian this group holds 90% of all wealth. 

                                    From... The Atlantic   Click here to enlarge image


This data and game theory tells us that we are doing this to ourselves. Every economic interaction starts with a consumer, and 100% of the individuals on this graph are consumers as well as voters.

The solution is not the government.  

Money buys media and voters can be manipulated. The upper class is the upper class because it is smarter, has has far more money than the lower class, is far better organized, and can buy politicians all day long. 

A very important rule of game theory is that if no one knows you are cheating, you will win every time.

Anyone that has read Machiavelli knows politics is about cheating the public. The solution is to create an open transparent market place, where no one can cheat, and the consumer can exercise it's real power.   

                                                    THE ONLY SOLUTION


What we call equality is found in the variables of each interaction, therefore on a grand scale, social equality is made from many small choices. If we build a platform for commercial activity that is open to all, we would have a transparent market place. When transactions are transparent it is very difficult for "bad actors" to take advantage of the majority.

Because bad actors must conceal bad deeds, only an open platform for social-economic activity may put an end to inequality. This would give the consumer greater control of supply, and the profit that is generated.

Current technology permits simple and quick transactions, with higher frequency, that can be conducted on an open web based system, where the parameters, and options, are transparent to all players. Not a game, but real life activities of commercial and social nature. is a prototype of such an open user controlled platform, with real economic components which can be based on based on game theory. The basic platform is in place, and now it faces the most difficult aspect of the concept, getting people to participate.

Without players there is no game, so please... 
