Consider this solution for social issues

An algorithm is a set of instructions, our constitution and laws are an algorithm for how we want or society to function.  A social platform for commerce and social activity can be built and designed as a direct democratic system of governance, and could operate any corporation or government. The proper design of an algorithm behind an online commercial platform might be the solution for many social issues.  

There is nothing more significant to who we are, or the quality of our lives other than the culture we live in. Therefore, the way our society is governed should be considered, always improved, and well managed.    

No one knows why men, kings, and governments, have struggled and killed each other over wealth and power. A history of wars, famine, ignorance, and poverty, no one knows why civilization has been a series of absurd events. 

To this day we persist with the characteristics of flawed ignorant ape like creatures. We are driven by evolution, rather by various forms of sexual competition, to produce a "king of the hill" method of governance, where the most ruthless human traits are called noble. We fail to notice it is a system created and operated by clueless hairless apes, who are driven by desire, and have produced mostly suffering.

We were designed to compete for the love of our mate, and we will pillage any village to benefit our kin. How could we expect for a properly run state to be the function of a contest of survival of the fittest, yet this is how we have operated our society throughout history. We have designed governments on a framework provided mostly by evolution.

Our best solution was the Democracy, which is merely an elaborate theater to give the appearance of individual participation, and has in no way eliminated Tyrants. 

Elected government officials are only human, and are often corrupted. Propaganda can mold public opinion, and we end up with a system of tyranny covered with a layer of deception.

"If things go wrong in the world, this is because something is wrong with the individual, because something is wrong with me. Therefore, if I am sensible, I shall put myself right first. For this I need—because outside authority no longer means anything to me—a knowledge of the innermost foundations of my being, in order that I may base myself firmly on the eternal facts of the human psyche.” (Carl Jung, The Meaning of Psychology for Modern Man)     

The problem and solution is in each of us, we are the sum of the parts of any society or government. Since our civilization is the product of many flawed individuals, most of what we define as evil and suffering lies within our individual human behavior, or the choices we make.  

Only because we can think, can we stand back after the aftermath and regret what has occurred.

The reason for human motivation is unknown and we can not help who we are, for we were designed to compete and evolve. Personal faults, as well as terms like war or evil, are the natural fruits of competition and evolution. The forces that motivate our desire, and thereby economic demand, have no concern for us.

Reality was not designed to be good or kind to us, but to achieve an unknown objective.  What is clear to us, is that our reality has been the cause of much suffering, and that our society gives shape to our reality.

Sometimes we can see what is a problem before it happens, and prevent it.

Often we are unable to see our own faults, and our faults will persist unless noticed by someone else. Social media technology permits us to notice human flaws on a large scale, and can be a platform to make collaborative transparent choices that run a corporation or community. 

If administrative choices were crowd sourced, there would be a greater chance someone would notice a flaw in a choice prior to committing to it, and better choices would be made.              

The solution is a collaborative platform to run a business, as a direct democracy which makes direct open choices that are transparent to everyone involved. This would in essence remove the individual, and insert a collaborative method for decision making in its place. All options could be seen by all, thereby recognizing individual human flaws prior to making choices, and assuring outcomes that are better for all involved. A transparent collaborative decision process would convert the economic motivation from self interest, to common interest.

Our current economic system is based on a moderated tyrannical structure of a Board or Congress, a President or CEO, followed by Generals, Captains etc...  This corporate form of government is what we use for all our institutions, corporate, and state.

Individuals are elected that will represent us, to make choices for us. Alternatively, in a direct online democratic model of government, there are no managers to elect, instead choices are made directly by participants online and in real time. By adopting a direct open model of governance, we can make vetted management choices, within an online social media platform.


This simple idea works only in a free market economy, can apply to any business, or govern any process. 

We can agree that government is for those who participate, that desire is demand, and that economics boils down to supply and demand. We know that there is no need for supply without demand. Therefore demand can be the force to direct any economy. An algorithm within an online platform can harness the consumer into an economic invisible hand for corporate direction.  

Since all of us have desires and demands, in order to build an economy governed as a direct democracy all that is required is participation.      

Humanity is at an inflection point, we can act to correct many of the fundamental problems of our institutions with open collaborative governance.

Please Participate