Using Thimbol as a platform for open democratic governance

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Freedom consists in the distribution of power and despotism in its concentration - Elon Musk 

In recent years, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. From sharing personal updates to conducting business transactions, social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have become ubiquitous. However, the potential of social media goes beyond just personal communication and business transactions. It can also be a platform for open democratic governance.

The use of social media for collaborative governing has been overlooked by many, but the potential is vast. Any group can use social media to define objectives, set parameters for action, and transparently detail the process on an online platform that all can verify. This can be particularly effective in the realm of governance. By allowing for a collaborative decision-making process, social media can help to create a framework for social evolution.

If administrative choices were crowd-sourced, there would be a greater chance that someone would notice a flaw in a decision prior to committing to it. This could lead to better choices being made and ultimately result in better governance. By utilizing a transparent collaborative decision process, the economic motivation can be shifted from self-interest to common interest.

One potential solution to achieve this kind of collaborative platform is through the use of an online direct democracy. By creating a direct online democratic model of government, we can remove the traditional hierarchical structure of a Board or Congress, a President or CEO, followed by Generals, Captains, and other positions. Instead, decisions would be made directly by participants online and in real-time. This would allow for vetted management choices within an online social media platform.

By adopting a direct open model of business governance, we can ensure that all options are visible to everyone involved, thereby recognizing individual human flaws prior to making choices and ensuring outcomes that are better for all involved. This type of governance can lead to greater transparency, accountability, and overall trust in the decision-making process.

While there are certainly challenges that come with utilizing social media as a platform for open democratic governance, the benefits are worth pursuing. The power of social media lies in its ability to connect individuals from all over the world, which can ultimately lead to a more diverse and inclusive decision-making process. As we continue to navigate the complexities of governance in the 21st century, utilizing social media as a platform for open democratic governance can be a powerful tool to ensure that decisions are made in the best interest of all.

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