
Tailoring proposition - A


Listen to the audio of this proposal 

I would like to present to you a  business concept for your investment consideration. 

Using Thimbol as a platform for open democratic governance

Read Aloud 

Freedom consists in the distribution of power and despotism in its concentration - Elon Musk 

In recent years, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. From sharing personal updates to conducting business transactions, social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have become ubiquitous. However, the potential of social media goes beyond just personal communication and business transactions. It can also be a platform for open democratic governance.

The use of social media for collaborative governing has been overlooked by many, but the potential is vast. Any group can use social media to define objectives, set parameters for action, and transparently detail the process on an online platform that all can verify. This can be particularly effective in the realm of governance. By allowing for a collaborative decision-making process, social media can help to create a framework for social evolution.

Email 12/2020- Revised 8/2022

Thimbol is a free market open platform which facilitates online business to consumer transactions. 

First newsletter

Strasburg Tailors


This newsletter entitles you to a 10% discount on your next visit. 

Proposal email 2/2020

Dear _____ ,

Thanks for the time on the phone today.

Below you will find the proposal we spoke about.

We offer free pickup and delivery for ladies and gentlemen's alterations as well as dry cleaning and laundry.

A personal shopper at an affordable price!

There are too many things to do in a day, we could all use a personal shopper to save us time and assure the quality of our purchases. 

Full tailoring services together online catalog will give you a variety of options.

It's a whole new way of doing things.

Draft proposal ( max)


The following is a new business concept for your consideration as a client, investor, or benefactor.  

We propose to offer a custom bench-made suit delivered directly to our clients, made locally in our shop. If you are familiar with clothing like Brioni, or Kiton,  you may know what bench-made signifies, and that a true handmade suit is a very different garment from most others. 

Privatemsg Introduction 2020


Think of this as an experiment in the economic use of social media - an attempt to define a method of using social media as a platform for the collaborative administration of a business.

Storage Concept 2020

Consider the storage business as a real estate holding company, then look into these two new approaches to the storage business model...    Makespace and Clutter

Civilsocialmedia.com is a unique a database driven platform that permits collaborative business administration. We will use this platform to operate the storage business represented in Storeitorsellit.com,  providing service to metro Atlanta.


Social Media as a Public Utility

"The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation."   - Bertrand Russell 

If we agree that a democracy is the best form of government, we should know that he who controls social media can manipulate a democracy. 

The goal of our project is to put social media in the users hands as the technology is perfectly suited for collaborative governance of any business.

We urge you to become involved, and participate with our public platform.

Economic Centralization vs Collaborative Economics

A free market is an economy based on competition, big fish eats small fish. We don't actually eat the competition, they are left as low wage providers for the big fish. All to the eventual point where there are only a few big fish and everyone else is a small fish. Big fish then become the size of governments, and you have what is known as an oligarchy. The final result is the centralization of services and production, which has the same unpleasant effects of communism. 

A lawyer, storage, social media and corruption

I would like to describe to you a particularly good investment concept, and a legal issue that is tied to it.


What if the candy bar you ate, the clothing you wore, and the social media you use came from a business you controlled? 

Corruption and Storage

What if the candy bar you ate, the clothing you wore, and the social media you use came from a business you controlled? Who would get the profits?

I invite you to be part of such a business, questions and comments are appreciated.

What does storage have to do with it? 

This concept has never been done before, therefore we need a business type to start with so that we can refine the platform and method we will use, a storage business appeared to be the most appropriate to start with.

What does corruption have to do with it ?

New about page and video

Most businesses, and our workplace have top down management structures. The employee is told what to do by his boss, in a chain of command starting with the president or CEO.

Real estate sales, help operate a renovation business

Click here to listen aloud as mp3   The collaborative method of creating open source software is applied to a common business platform which provides up to date technology, along with the common business tasks, of accounting, logistics, capital, marketing, and social media. 

The cost of these related services would be more efficient and less expensive if the work is centralized, and shared. 

A network of allied professionals helping each other, and marketing for each other all from a single web platform.

Partners June 2019

1. We leased Timmons Circle as partnership in the project.  

2. We had a large positive response to Craigslist posting.

3. Once all is tied up with the newcomers, and Timmons, we will  proceed to marketing services in the Macon, GA area.

(draft) Proposal Property Crew

We understand the value of collaboration, and have built a collaborative online platform to provide verifiable services to homeowners, investors and commercial property managers.  


"Trust, but Verify"  a phrase made popular by Ronald Reagan, signifies that it is better to verify the activity of those we trust.

The Ultimate Journal, eternal life may be the artificial intelligence version of us-

Our lives are stories, we learn through stories, and our family and society is  enriched by the stories we tell of each other. Those who came before us, our parents and grand parents all, represent examples we learn from. Consider the ability of having a detailed chronology of all the pictures, school work, certificates, letters ... everything about one person on a an online database which can be organized and searched, and downloaded to a pin drive.  Ask us how   

Tailoring, and Technology


Hi anarchy  just placing some text here 


Strasburg Tailors

Collaborative Governance - Full Overview

 As you may know there are security issues with social media, and a problem if Facebook would favor your opposition. The only way to assure social media is safe would be to make it democratic.

I hope you will consider this concept...

Civilsocialmedia combines social media and e-commerce into a democratic online user managed organization. Using current open source technology we provide a variety of data applications that permit users to have authority over the administration of an open collaborative platform. 

Please review the article below which describes this project, also visit the front page of the website for more information.

Note: Most of what the site does is only available to signed on users. To look around inside, please contact me that I may create a free account for you and further explain this concept and startup.    


Social Media - Designed to govern a corporation (modify and shorten)

 Consider a new method of corporate governance, a direct, open and collaborative method which is directly administered by its investors. This type of management structure would have intrinsic safeguards to corruption and provide greater protection of your investment.

I would like to invite you to review our propsal-prototype and become a participating investor.



Invitation to Civil Social Media


Hi just placing some text here 


About Cvilsocialmedia prototype. 

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